Twix Font
خط تويكس
This is a custom font created exclusively for a specific client and is not available for licensing or purchase. However, if you are interested in creating or obtaining a typeface that is similar in style or characteristics, contact us so we can discuss with your the possibilities. Visit our Retail Fonts section to view our available fonts for purchase.

The global chocolate brand Twix turned to to develop an Arabic custom typeface exclusively designed for their proper needs and usage.

The Arabic typedesign project was part of a larger multilingual typeface design project for Twix brand that supported as well Latin, Cyrillic and Greek. The design requirement was to develop an Arabic typeface design that works as a counterpart to the other scripts designed for Twix. The display font is rounded and with an illusion of a three dimensional treatment making it as delicious as the chocolate brand it represents. It is used mostly for the arabic advertising and promotional material for Twix across the Middle East and North Africa- remaining in line with the international typographic language of Twix marketing because of the multilingual support of the typeface.